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Please review the above screencast for an overview of how to use the resources below to thoroughly research public companies.
It is crucial for your interviews to know specific information about a public company such as: recent events, deals, major products and services, competitive landscape, strengths and weaknesses, etc. The best places to start to find this information can be found below, starting with the MarketLine Company Report, available for most large public companies.
MarketLine Company Reports can be found in EMIS - search by company name and then on the search results page click Reports under Categories and Company under Topics to filter for MarketLine and GlobalData company reports.
Passport is a global market research database providing insight on industries, economies and consumers worldwide, helping our clients analyze market context and identify future trends impacting businesses globally.
For company analysis, go to the Companies tab at the top of the page, then type the company name into the search.
MergentOnline: Equity Analyst Reports are located under the Investext tab on the top right corner of the page.
Mergent Intellect: Company Profile --> Financials --> SEC Filings --> 10K
Features detailed financial data on public and private companies, investment firms, M&A, private equity, and capital transactions, as well as extensive information on people. Screener tool allows you to screen for companies, equities, transactions, people and more, based on more than 5,000 financial and 3,000 qualitative data points.