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CMC Library Ledger

Earnings Call Transcripts Made Easy

by Francesca Martinez on 2020-05-29T04:51:00-05:00 in CMC Library Resources | 0 Comments

Looking for an easier way to find earnings call transcripts? Factiva delivers in three easy steps! Just apply two filters and adjust your date window to find a company's most recent earnings call transcripts:

Step 1. Choose your company name under Company

Step 2. Choose the source, "VIQ FD Disclosure (U.S.)

Step 3. Adjust your date range to include the earnings quarter you need.

screenshot of Factiva

And voila! No more struggling with Thomson Investext or trying to sift through thousands of Google results! Just filter, then print, save, or download.

The advantage of written transcripts over listening to the recording, you ask? Just control or command + F through the text for mentions of specific products, events, or people.


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