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A CMC Library Guide To Using Our Resources

Analyst Reports

 Search the databases below for research on

Equity Analyst Reports, SWOT, Companies

Consumer Research

 Search the databases below for research on

Wearables, Video Streaming Revenue, Travel Statistics, Agriculture, Cosmetics, Retail, Eyewear, Luxury, Beauty, Drink, Food, Retailing and Apparel, Travel

Financial Research

 Search the databases below for research on

Finance, M&A Deals, PE, VC, Portfolio Companies

Global Market Research

 Search the databases below for research on

Global Markets for: Beer, Biotechnology, Healthcare, Oil and Gas, Country Analysis

Industry Research

 Search the databases below for research on

Wine, Beer, Coffee, Industry, Equity Analyst Reports, Pharma, Manufacturing, Gas, Tourism, Assisted Living, Boating, Candy, Fitness

Advertising & Marketing

 Search the databases below for research on

Advertising, Brands, Marketing Case Studies, Brand Management, Packaging, Media

Tech Research

 Search the databases below for research on

Virtual Reality, AI, Video Game, Internet of Things, IoT, SaaS, Medical devices

Social Impact Research

 Search the databases below for research on

Impact investing, social and environmental value, nonprofit organizations

Healthcare Research

 Search the databases below for research on

Pharma & Biotech, healthcare tech, medical devices