Email with any questions.
Do you have feedback for us? Please let us know!
The licensed databases listed on the Kellogg CMC Library website are limited in access per their licensing agreements to members of the Kellogg community. Under these agreements Kellogg faculty, staff, and students are individually responsible for using these resources solely for individual, noncommercial use.
MBA students can use these databases for their own analysis in support of academic work or personal career recruiting research and must refrain from retaining, transferring, or distributing reports, articles, data content or any substantial portions of information.
The current academic subscriptions to these resources have a significant discount compared to what a commercial enterprise would pay. These academic subscriptions are available to the Kellogg community under the guarantee that all users will utilize the data within the platforms strictly for academic purposes. Please be aware that some reports or resources are not available under the academic subscription on some databases.
Some database vendors specifically exclude internships in their click-through agreements. Where this occurs, please read the agreement carefully and refrain from using a resource if your use would violate the terms.
Use of these databases that is not consistent with intended use or permissions under the academic subscriptions may be considered a violation of the Honor Code. If you have questions regarding intended or authorized use, you can contact the CMC Library at
For examples of appropriate and inappropriate database use for experiential learning projects, internships and current employers, please read the NU Libraries Database Usage Policy: