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A CMC Library Guide To Using Our Resources


Q: When should I come to the CMC Library?

A: The majority of the library’s databases and resources best serve students when they have determined an area of focus for their career search. Students typically develop this focus through conversations with their career coach. We recommend discussing your strategy with your coach first before making an appointment with a librarian or reaching out to the library.


Q: Is there any research I can do before I am able to meet with a career coach?

A: Take a look at our Explore Companies and Industries guide for some resources that can help supplement the conversations you will have with your career coach. It will help you to establish an area of focus for your search. 


Q: What if I have a job interview this afternoon? Can the CMC Library still help me?

A: The library team will do its utmost to support students in preparing for interviews. They will do their best to give you the same experience if there is a short period of time between seeking assistance and the interview, but they may only be able to direct you to databases and resources that are likely to be relevant to the interview without time to do specific research. When preparing for interviews or networking conversations, it is best to reach out well in advance so the library team can prepare and do in-depth research on the company and industry.

If you have a last-minute interview, please review our "Help! I really DO have an interview in an hour!" Ledger post. 


Q: Upon graduation, will I still have access to CMC Library resources?

A: When students graduate, they are strongly encouraged to register with the Kellogg Alumni Network through Our Northwestern. There are many resources available to Kellogg alumni, including a dedicated CMC Library alumni career resources guide, among other services.


Q: How is the CMC Library different from Northwestern's main library?

A: The main function of the CMC Library is to provide assistance to students in their career search via email, Slack, our website, and 1-1 appointments with a librarian. Conversations with the library team are most productive if you send your research questions to us in advance and provide a clear, detailed description of the type of information you are seeking.

Need help with academic coursework? Contact for academic or class-related projects. Kellogg students have access to business research guides via the Northwestern University Libraries. These guides specialize in academic coursework research for Kellogg students. Access the NU Library business research guides here.


Q: What if I contact the library and all the librarians are busy assisting other students?

A: Send us an email at or a DM @CMC Library on Slack! Emailing or messaging us gives us more time to determine the best resources for what you need.


Q: How do I hear about new resources?

A: Subscribe to the CMC Newsletter and the CMC Slack channels for announcements about new resources. You can also subscribe to the CMC Library Ledger, where we highlight new and popular resources.


Q: Why are some research guides more in-depth than others?

A: Certain sectors, such as Social Impact, are broad categories that encompass a much wider range of resources than a specifc industry guide such as Hospitality. The CMC Library research guides are under continual evaluation and improvement, and we would love to hear from you what topics you are most interested in under broader categories such as Social Impact. If you’d like to make a recommendation for something to add to any of our industry research guides, email us at


Q: Is sending an email better than dropping by?

A: Students are welcome to drop in to the CMC Library for assistance during regular business hours (9am-5pm M-F). However, particularly for research questions, sending an email to will ensure that the library team has time to gather the most relevant information and provide it to you in a concise manner.

The library team is available at the Hub or via email Monday-Friday 9am-5pm. We strive to answer all research questions via email within 24 business hours. We can also be reached via Slack @CMC Library Monday-Friday 9am-5pm.


Q: Why are some resources free and not others?

A: The CMC Library subscribes to various databases and news sources (see our Policies & Guidelines). Those will be marked with the appropriate icons and wording on how to gain access. There are times when the library team will make links and other information available within our research guides if it is particularly relevant despite not being free to access. Those will also be denoted appropriately.


Q: How do I search the CMC library's collection of books and e-Books?

A: Go to the Book Catalog tab at the top of the library’s home page. Search for books by keyword (author, title, or subject).

Pro Tip: to find a list of eBooks, search using the keyword "ebook".


Q: What if I can't find a resource (book, database, journal, etc.) in the CMC Library?

A: You're also a Northwestern student! Please check the NU Libraries website for resources. You can also make use of the Evanston Public Library. If you’d like to make a recommendation for something to add to our collection, email us at


Q: Do we have access to the Wall Street Journal or New York Times?

A: Yes, you can register for a WSJ account and a NYT account using your school email address. All of our business news sources are listed on our Business News Guide.


Q: How do I use VPN to access resources such as PitchBook or CB Insights?

A: For databases marked with the VPN icon that require you to sign into VPN to use when you are not on campus, you can click the VPN icon to go to the Northwestern page where you can download the GlobalProtect VPN software onto your device. It is available for desktop as well as mobile. Once you have downloaded GlobalProtect, click the gray globe icon in your app tray and log in with your NetID and password, then go to the database through our links on the CMC Library website to create your account or to sign in to your account.  


Q: How can I find companies that have recruited Kellogg students? 

A: We recommend that Full-Time MBA students start with the CMC Historical Recruiting Data. You can also use the Find Alumni tool on the Kellogg LinkedIn page to search for companies employing Kellogg alumni, or browse the current and expired job postings on the Kellogg Job Board in CMS.