Also check out the KTech tab on the Club Interview & Recruiting Prep Material page of our Prep for Networking and Interviews guide.
Looking for resources to brush up on coding and other tech skills? Check out our Learning and Skills Development Resources guide!
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Created by the CMC Career Coaching and Employer Relations teams, this guide offers insight into preparing for careers in Tech and FinTech. They detail unique characteristics of these industries, what you can expect during the recruitment/job search process, examples of recruiting partnerships, recruiting trends, and data for Kellogg grads who have recruited for these industries.
This webinar provides insights into the Tech landscape, trends, and key players. Watch to learn more about roles that MBAs commonly pursue within this industry and relevant professional backgrounds that align with industry needs. Learn when companies in this industry typically recruit and plan your job search accordingly, with actionable advice on how to maximize your chances for securing the right opportunities.
Impress a Recruiter With Your Industry Knowledge
Industry Analyst Reports: Tech Sectors
Learn to beat tech interviews directly from the FAANG employees who ask them. Sign up for an account with your Kellogg email to access custom tools for acing the tech interview built by experts for future experts, including interactive lessons and a peer mock interview matching platform.
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